제목이전 직장의 401K 롤오버2020-10-06 23:28

안녕하세요 은덕님,

덕분에 좋은 정보들 알게되어 항상 감사드리는 마음입니다.

제가 이전 직장에 있던 401K 롤오버를 위해 check을 받으려고 DISTRIBUTION ELECTION form을 작성하고 있는데요, 

401K에 대해 아직 잘 몰라서, 아래 A. B 항목중에 어떤것을 선택 해야 할지 몰라서 여쭙습니다.


NOTE: If your distribution is taxable and you do not make an election below, 10% will automatically be withheld
for federal income tax, and the appropriate percentage will be withheld for state income tax (if applicable). The
distribution may be subject to an additional 10% early withdrawal penalty if you are under age 59½.

Elect One:

A. I elect to have federal income tax and state income tax (if applicable) withheld from my distribution. I
understand that if I elected a total distribution of my IRA account, federal income tax will be withheld
from my distribution at the rate of 10%, plus any applicable state tax withholding. Additional Amount
to be Withheld (if any): $____________________

I understand that if I elected periodic distributions, tax will be withheld at the rate determined for a
married individual claiming three exemptions unless I return a completed TAX WITHHOLDING ELECTION
FORM. A TAX WITHHOLDING ELECTION FORM is available by contacting John Hancock.

B. I do not elect to have federal income tax and state income tax (if applicable) withheld from my
distribution. However, I understand that if I am a resident of Michigan or Connecticut, the mandatory
state income tax will apply unless I include a completed Form W-4P from my state along with this


감사합니다. 건강하세요.

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