제목[독서모임] Can I Retire? 4장 Annuities 2021-02-03 18:49


4장 Annuities 요약 입니다:

SPIA (Single Premium Immediate Annuity)란.., 

           Fixed or Variable Annuity with a sum of money upfront 



  • Makes Retirement planinng easier
  • Allows higher withdrawal rate than from a portfolio of stocks and bonds 


  • Inflation Risk
  • Lose control of money
    • SPIA cannot pass to heirs
  • Risk of insurance company's financial health
    • check financial strength of insurance company and coverage of guaranty association
    • diversify among multiple insurance companies



- SPIA 같은 Annuity 플랜에 대해서 어떻게 생각하시나요? 

- 은퇴 후 SPIA와 직접 포트폴리오에서 withdrawal 중 어떤 방벙을 하시고 싶으신가요?

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