제목Individual account -TOD 2021-02-12 19:17

피델리티와 쳇을 하던 중에 저도 궁금했어서, 질문해 봤는데.. 이 계좌가 어제 jj pink님이 말씀하신 계좌인것 같아서 알려 드려요. 

brokerage account 에 조인트 어카운트를 만들면서 보니, individual account- TOD가 있더라고요. 뭔지는 몰라서 안쓰고 있었는데, 상담원에게 물어본 내용입니다. 


I am not familiar with individual account -TOD. Is it different than normal brokerage account?

Its going to be the same as an individual brokerage account. TOD (Transfer on Death) refers to having a beneficiary on file in case of your passing.

except that, everything is same?

You are correct everything is the same.

then, I still don't understand the purpose of tod account. if you have a living trust, the money goes to the beneficiary automatically.

Not all clients have living trusts or even delegate beneficiaries sometimes. You are correct though it is practically the same

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